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Veggie Burrito

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Any mexican restaurant can make a veggie burrito with rice, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, beans, etc.  The beans and rice are a great source of complete protein.

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Three Bean Salad

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This is a great source or protein, can be ordered at many restaurants, and if you are making it at home, don't stop with just three beans.

Agedashi Tofu

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 This is a lightly fried tofu dish made with soy sauce and found at Japanese restaurants.  It has great seasonings, and is a great addition to any Japanese meal.

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Josh Clopton – MMA Fighter

Professional MMA Record of 4 – 0 – 1

testI have been eating less meat in my diet for a long time, eating it only a few times a week now.  I try to always eat free-range, hormone free meat, both because it is better for me and means the animals were treated more humanely.

I feel healthy and strong, and have a high energy level.

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Curabitur vehicula nulla non risus aliquam faucibus posuere purus molestie. Ut consequat turpis vitae dui rhoncus adipiscing ac id felis. Ut a quam in tortor rhoncus tincidunt ac eu arcu. Vestibulum aliquam nulla vel enim viverra eu vulputate mi sagittis! Sed lectus mi, molestie in rhoncus non, pulvinar nec mauris. Vivamus eget dui in risus mattis congue. Suspendisse sit amet nunc aliquam diam luctus


Aenean tincidunt tempus eros at sagittis. Nunc euismod ultrices lectus et accumsan. Nunc feugiat sollicitudin orci quis accumsan. Ut erat velit, bibendum in bibendum sit amet; congue nec velit. Nulla facilisi. Quisque feugiat, tellus non tristique dignissim, lacus lorem vulputate lectus, vel facilisis justo diam ut diam! Ut vel quam nec nisl mollis molestie. Aliquam volutpat volutpat mi ac volutpat. Donec nisi elit, sollicitudin nec feugiat nec, varius eu elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

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