Breakfast Menu

There are endless choices, but here are some ideas for easy high-energy ways to get you day going before your first training.  Mix and match and adjust and increase quantities as suits your body.  It is good not to eat too much in the morning so your energy remains good for training.

Sample Breakfast 1

Any high quality breakfast cereal (natural granolas with unrefined sugars are the best to avoid a high/crash episode.  Use unsweetened Almond milk, and add in a banana and blueberries.  Also make a fruit shake in the blender by combining Almond milk, ice, banana, a and a few dates. If you want you can add whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread.

Sample Breakfast 2

Four rice cakes topped with peanut or almond butter, and then with sliced banana or apple.  Add a cup of juice.  If you want you can add whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread.

Sample Breakfast 3

A full cantaloup topped with granola and soy yogurt.   Three slices of whole grain toast or bagel with your favorite spread. A fruit shake from the blender with Almond milk, ice, banana, blueberries and frozen Acai puree.


Sample Breakfast 1

About David