Randy Couture, Uriah Faber, Jon Fitch, Nick and Nate Diaz and more…
Jake Shields isn't the only UFC fighter getting attention for eating no (or less) meat products. You may be surprised to see the number and level of fighters who are proponents of this diet enhancement.
Randy Couture and Uriah Faber both eat only limited meat. Jake Shields eats no meat at all, and Nick Diaz, Nate Diaz, Jon Fitch and Mac Danzig don't eat meat or dairy. There is a long and growing list of professional MMA and BJJ competitors who eat mostly or entirely only foods close to the source.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has a history of non and low-meat diets, tracing back to the Gracie Diet created by BJJ founder Carlos Gracie. Gracie believed in eating natural foods raised close to where you live. He also believed in eating foods similar to what we have been eating for thousands of years, and that meant much lower quantities of meat than people have access to today.
It's great to see what high profile fighters are doing, but the best way to know what works for your body is to take the test.